Season Albums

Kent Singers Concert Highlights

Season Album 2023-2024

A Rose in Winter
December 9 & 10, 2023
(Original painting by Kent Singer, Ann Quackenbos)
The Peace of Wild Things
March 10, 2024
Vivaldi, Handel & Zelenka
June 2, 2024

We opened our 51th season in December 2023 with A Rose in Winter, a gentle and beautiful program of music expressing joy, hope and peace. The Spring concert, The Peace of Wild Things, on March 10, 2024 featured Britten’s Rejoice in the Lamb, Randall Thompson’s Frostiana (organ and piano played brilliantly by our accompanist, Sandra Kleisner), and two pieces by the young American composer, Jake Runestad: The Hope of Loving and The Peace of Wild Things.

The audience for our Summer Great Works Concert on June 2, 2024 was treated to three delightful pieces from the Baroque period: Vivaldi’s Gloria, Handel’s Coronation Anthems, and Czech composer Jan Dismas Zelenka’s Magnificat in D Major.

Pre-concert warmup for Rose in Winter
Knox addressing the Rose in Winter audience
St. Andrew’s Church, Kent CT
Rehearsing with soloists and orchestra
Rose in Winter organist Sarah Johnson
Sandra Kleisner at the organ for Rejoice in the Lamb, assisted by former Kent Singer Martha Holcombe
One of our faithful volunteers, Exiene Lofgren
Schlicker organ at St. Andrew’s
The Peace of Wild Things performance
Harpsichordist Christine Gevert tuning her instrument before the June concert
Kent Singer tenors in rehearsal

50th Anniversary Season 2022-2023

Welcome Yule!
December 10 & 11, 2022
A Jubilant Song
March 19, 2023
Schubert & Haydn
June 11, 2023

Founded in 1972 by music director Jon Lafleur, the Kent Singers began its 50th season in December 2022 with Welcome Yule!, a collection of our favorite selections from past holiday concerts. The Spring concert, A Jubilant Song, on March 19, 2023, celebrated the power of music and song in our lives.

On June 11, 2023 we presented our Great Works concert for this year, featuring Schubert’s Mass No. 6 in E-flat and Haydn’s Te Deum No. 2 in C Major with soloists and orchestra. The audience responded to this final concert of our season with an enthusiastic standing ovation.

St. Andrew’s Church, Kent, CT
Schubert Mass No. 6 in E-flat
Pre-concert warmup for Welcome Yule!
Schubert soloists
Pre-concert warmup for Jubilant Song
Schubert dress rehearsal with orchestra
Audience gathering for Schubert & Haydn

Season Album 2019-2022

Among Angels
December 15, 2019
Songs of the British Isles
March 5 & 6, 2022
Handel’s Messiah
June 12, 2022

After presenting our holiday concert for the 2019-2020 season, Among Angels, we began rehearsals for our planned Spring concert, Songs of the British Isles. Unfortunately the global COVID pandemic forced us to cancel the Spring concert, and our planned Summer concert as well.

We spent the pandemic year of 2021 learning all twenty choruses of Handel’s Messiah with individual study, guided practice videos made by our director, and weekly Zoom meetings to check in with each other and socialize. We resumed live rehearsals in Fall 2021 with strict health safety protocols, and resumed our work on the British Isles repertoire. After a two year delay, that concert was presented in March 2022.

Immediately afterward we began rehearsals for Messiah, singing the choruses together as a group for the first time. Thanks to all that practicing we did at home during our 2021 “virtual season,” Messiah came together quickly resulting in a very successful performance on June 12, 2022 with soloists and orchestra of period instruments.

St. Andrew’s Church, Kent, CT
Among Angels dress rehearsal
Pre-concert warmup for
Songs of the British Isles
Zoom rehearsal for Messiah, June 2021
St. John’s Church, New Milford, CT
Harpsichordist’s music for Messiah
Messiah dress rehearsal
The trumpet shall sound
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